ONGC recruitment 873 assistant executive engineer and other posts 2015

ONGC recruitment 873 assistant executive engineer posts 2015ONGC recruitment 873 assistant executive engineer posts 2015 : Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) limited invited application for the post of873 Assistant executive engineer (cementing, civil, drilling, Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, mechanical, production,reservoir and environment), chemist, geologist, Geophysicist (surface, wells), materials management officer, programming officer, transport officer, finance and accounts officer, fire officer, HR executive, medical officer and security officer posts
Name of Post:- Assistant executive engineer, Security Officer, Medical Officer, HR executive
 ME, M Tech, Graduation
Job Location:- All India
Last Date:-
 10th April 2015
Hiring Process:- Written Test and Interview
Total no. of Posts:- 873 Posts
Age Limit:- 30 Years for general CBT as on 01.01.2015.
Qualification:- candidates should possess engineering graduation in environment engineer/ Environment science or graduation in engineering discipline with M. Tech/ ME in environment engineering / Science for assistant executive engineer and post graduate in chemistry for Chemist and post graduate in geology OR MSc/ M Tech petroleum Geo science for Geologist.
Selection Procedure:- Selection will be on the basis of Computer Based test, written Exam/ GATE Score, qualification and Personal.
Age Relaxation:- The upper age limit is relaxable for the following specified categories to the extent indicated below.
i) By 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST communities.
ii) By 3 years for candidates belonging to OBC communities.
iii) By 10 years for PH category candidates.
Application Fee:- candidates (CBT based support posts only) have to pay Rs. 750/- for general (Rs. 150/0 for Sc/ ST) by deposited at any branch of state bank of india through the challan in ONGC power Jyoti A/C No. 30827318409 of SBI, Tel Bhawan, Dehradun.
How to apply:- interested and eligible candidates should apply online application through from 21st march 2015 to 10th April 2015.

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